A flexible force for sustaining change

The CSN has been designed by the coalitions it serves to help them build and use real power to improve education.

A crucial strategic player

The CSN helps coalitions set goals, identify solutions that will improve student outcomes, develop and refine tactics, and remain accountable to diverse stakeholders.

About the Coalition Support Network

In the midst of deep divisions across a range of issues in the United States, we have been thrilled to see people come together — and continue to work together — on public education. In states across the country, coalitions have united communities to support college and career readiness for students. In 2013, the national education advocacy group Achieve launched the Coalition Support Network (CSN). The CSN has rallied diverse, nonpartisan coalitions in 15 states to advocate for policies, and practices, that help all students complete high school ready to succeed in college and careers. With the CSN’s help, civil rights organizers, business leaders, teachers, and parents are working side by side to advance equity in education.

About the report

The Local Advocacy, National Impact report describes how the CSN has become a flexible force for sustaining change in education. It recounts the CSN’s evolution and impact, focusing on the key victories its coalitions achieved and how the CSN contributed to them. The report draws on structured interviews with coalition leaders and a synthesis of data from three years of continuous evaluation of the larger advocacy effort on college and career readiness of which the CSN was an essential part.

Learn more

The CSN, with the enthusiastic support of its coalitions, is spinning off from Achieve to become Seek Common Ground. To learn more about the CSN’s work and its relaunch as Seek Common Ground, please visit https://seekcommonground.org/ or email [email protected].

You may also contact the CSN core staff who will lead Seek Common Ground at:

    About the Authors
  • Stacey Chen

    Stacey partners with clients on strategic planning, advocacy evaluation, and funder collaboratives to advance gender, racial, education, and health equity and to engage communities in policy advocacy.

  • Nathan Huttner

    Nathan leads Redstone’s education practice, developing strategies, business plans, and impact initiatives to improve K-12 and higher education, and has also served clients in shared prosperity, health, and climate.