Redstone helps leading nonprofits and foundations develop and implement stakeholder-led strategies to scale their reach and impact. Our Economic Equity practice integrates community voice and multi-disciplinary analysis to help funders and practitioners advance economic systems change.
We work with funders to define programmatic- and advocacy-focused strategies, support coalitions of community-based organizations and anchor institutions, and help public-private, multi-funder collaboratives design and execute partnerships to create lasting change.
Redstone’s approach when working with economic equity funders and practitioners to drive meaningful impact includes:
- Setting visionary, practical, cross-system goals. We help partners translate visionary aspirations into practical, community-driven strategies with concrete approaches to ongoing learning and adaptation.
- Focusing as much on how to scale as what to scale. Drawing on methodologies from advocacy strategy to movement building, and from audience segmentation to implementation science,we bring the same equity-focused rigor to scaling that goes into the initial development of service models, policies, and other new ideas.
- Measuring success in human-centered ways that recognize the importance of dignity and experienced well-being in work and community alongside financial measures of economic well-being.